How we’re all paying for Osborne’s tax cuts to bankers with our ambulance service

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the coalition government)

I’m not sure why so many people are surprised by the news that an injured patient had to wait over 2 hours on a London street for an ambulance today.

After all, a lot of people warned this was going to happen after George Osborne forced a £53 million cut to the capital’s ambulance service over two years ago.

But if Osborne hadn’t insisted on cutting taxes for millionaires in the same budget, he would have had £85 million more from London bankers’ bonuses alone – and he wouldn’t have had to cut the ambulance budget in the first place.

Which means we’re paying for tax cuts to bankers with our ambulance service.

With facts like that – Cameron and Osborne shouldn’t even be in the running for victory at the next election.


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